Thursday, November 1, 2007

Taken poll down

Looks like someone who uses Covad as their ISP has been coming in here and skewing the poll results by voting for Pope over and over. Too bad. That is the only way that Richard Pope will be able to win. Unfortunately, I probably won't be able to get this blog out to enough District 6 voters. Well, on voting day, I know how I'm going to vote. I hope that this has just made one person change their Hague/Pope vote to None. They don't deserve our votes.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Thanks for voting!

Well, I'm glad that people are voting! Keep it up and pass the word. I'd like this blog to also be a discussion area as well. If you vote either Jane Hague or Richard Pope, why? Keep it anonymous if you'd like, but I'd really like to hear people's reasoning. Thanks again for visiting this blog!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

So, here we are.

Day 1 of getting the word out to write in NONE for King County Councilmember District 6. We have all seen Ms. Hague's side blasting Mr. Pope and vice versa. We're not going to post those comments here. Google Jane Hague or Richard Pope if you are interested. I believe that neither of these candidates should represent us as Councilmember. Please vote a write-in candidate of NONE for this position in the November 6th General Election!